Our school is a place where quality education and biblical truths are intertwined seamlessly.
The investment into a Christ-centered and biblically-based education will be priceless for your children and reap eternal rewards. The desire of The Fellowship Christian Academy is for the cost to be as affordable as possible. This school is an outreach and ministry of The Fellowship Church, therefore - as is the mission of the church - we want to reach students for Christ and help students become more like him. Tuition will go to cover the expenses of paying salaries, insurance, school equipment, technology, maintenance and repair on the facility and any other cost associated with school operations. With these two factors in mind, tuition will be set in an attempt to balance the desire to minister to students and parents with the reality of the costs of running a school. Every effort to keep costs as low as possible will be undertaken. Tuition each year will be prayerfully considered and established by the board of directors. The Fellowship Church’s board of elders will ultimately approve the tuition that is set.
Each year a deposit will be required to reserve a spot.
Preschool: Per student, there is a $125 registration fee and $175 supply fee (non-refundable). Last month tuition is due prior to school beginning. This is refundable with a 30-day notice of with-drawl.
Elementary: Per student, there is a $300 registration fee for grades K-2nd and a $325 registration fee for grades 3rd-6th. Tuition can be paid in full or divided into 10 monthly payments beginning in August.

Preschool Tuition
9:00 AM – 2:00 PM
T/TH attendance: 18 months - 5 years old | $300
M/W/F attendance: 18 months - 5 years old | $400
5-day attendance: 18 months - 3 years old | $600
8:30 AM – 2:00 PM
5-day attendance: Pre-Kindergarten – 5 year olds | $625
Early Care drop off at 7:45 AM or Late Care pick up at 3:00 PM
M/W/F $70
T/TH $50
5 days $100
Extended Care | Early Care and Late Care
M/W/F $ 110
T/TH $ 80
5 days $140
*Available at the Round Rock or Hutto campuses. Based on age as of 9/1. Pre-payment of May tuition required with enrollment.
Elementary Tuition
8 AM - 3 PM | Kinder - 6th Grade
Annual Tuition
10 monthly installments
The Fellowship Hutto campus offers Kinder - 6th grade.
The Fellowship Round Rock campus is now offering kindergarten only.
Credit Card Convenience Fee: 3%
Frequently Asked Questions
Prepaid tuition is refundable with 30-days’ written notice of withdrawal from the program submitted to the academy director. In the event of non-payment of tuition without notice, May tuition will be applied to the outstanding balance and the position forfeited. Refunds will not be made after March 31.
The question you would naturally ask yourself is, “Why should I pay for private tuition when I can send my child to school for free?” That is a valid thought. You should be able to send your child to public schools, but the real question has become, “Can you afford to?” As Joseph Badkhom states in his article, “Why Every Church Should Start A Christian School:”
Teaching children knowledge of the world without reference to God simply communicates that God is not necessary to accurately understand the world.
Over time, public schools moved away from representing a Biblical worldview. Public schools used to communicate that God was necessary and that there were absolute truths and there were things that were absolutely wrong. There are still many Godly teachers and administrators within the public school system, but you cannot depend on public school systems to promote a Christian perspective. They have become very humanistic in their instruction and worldview. They are now largely governed by people with political agendas who do not espouse a Biblical worldview.
This, unfortunately, is why private Christian schools have become so important today. Children desperately need to know that God is in control. God created the heavens and the Earth. God created man and woman. God is good and God is greater.
Children also need to know that Jesus is the answer for the world yesterday, today, and tomorrow. They need to understand that God still moves and works in our lives and in the lives of others through the Holy Spirit. This is why the investment of private school tuition pays eternal dividends.
The Fellowship Christian Academy wants to educate the entire child. We want to nurture them intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually. All of these aspects need to be addressed in school to help foster an emotionally-stable, intellectually-capable, and spiritually-aware individual. We are here to partner with parents in achieving this goal. The financial challenge of paying for tuition is a light and momentary affliction compared to a child growing up in a spiritual vacuum devoid of any type of lense with which to have a healthy worldview.
So when you ask yourself why you should consider a private Christian school for your child, the answer is to help your child become a disciple, equip him or her with the tools to be effective, and prepare him or her to be firmly grounded in his or her faith. This includes academics, but it is also so much more than just reading, writing, and arithmetic. This will help establish a pattern of thinking and processing information through a Biblical filter, which allows your children to realize who the great I AM is and what He means to their lives.
The FCA will not require students to wear uniforms. Students will be expected to wear appropriate clothing and hairstyles. Part of educating children is to help them to learn how to make good choices. This applies to their appearance. We know that the Lord sees what is on the inside and isn’t overly concerned with outward appearances, 1 Sam 16:7, but we also want everything about us to draw people’s attention towards Him. Therefore, we want to help children learn that they dress for the Lord. If a student's appearance is distracting and draws extensive attention to the individual, they are not drawing attention to the Lord.
Registration is for the current school year and must be renewed annually. The registration fee is due at the time of enrollment and is non-refundable.
Full tuition is processed on the 2nd of each month. Tuition is figured on an annual school year basis, therefore, the amount is not flexible with long or short months. Refunds or reductions are not available for the time a child is absent.
School begins in September (the day after Labor Day) and ends in May.
Yes! Click here to view our ELEMENTARY ACADEMY handbook.

Preschool Registration Documents
Here are all the documents you'll need to register for Preschool:
• Registration Form (This document must be notarized, but we offer it for free in the office)
• Child Health Record (signed by pediatrician)
• Vision/Hearing Screen (4 year olds)
• Immunizations (records)
• Photo Release
• Tuition Express

Elementary Registration Documents
Here are all the documents you'll need to register for Elementary: