We are here for you!
At The Fellowship Church, whether this is your first time or your hundredth time, we love you and we want to help you grow closer to Christ! We are a family-oriented church and we want to do all that we can to support our family. We want to partner with you as you continue to get plugged in and dive deeper into the Bible. View our various resources below!
In this section
Watch any of our previous sermon series from the comfort of your own home. "And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near." - Hebrews 10:24-25 ESV
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Our sermons live steam on Sundays at 9:30 and 11 AM from our Round Rock campus.
Learn MoreEQUIP Classes
EQUIP are ministry courses that runs from September through April. We want to give people at The Fellowship Church an opportunity to develop a deeper love and passion for God. We will do this through a combination of higher level learning and experiencing the presence of God through spiritual exercises.
Learn MorePrayer
Prayer is an ongoing conversation with our Father, made possible through Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit. You can submit a prayer request online or by writing it on the tear-off portion of the Sunday bulletin. We honor all requests for privacy. We recognize the importance of prayer in both personal and corporate settings and have two primary ways for people to participate in the prayer ministry.
Learn MoreGet the App
The Fellowship Church has an app! So much of life happens on our various devices, and our hope is to always be able to reach and grow no matter where you’re at. Download our app to read the bible, and watch sermons, and stay connected.
Learn MoreThe NINE Book
Many of us feel lost when it comes to navigating the pages of Scripture. Why does it feel so overwhelming? We avoid reading or diving deep into Scripture because it seems foreign to us. We randomly choose a direction and end up meandering aimlessly and confused through God’s Word. What if there was a simple way to learn God’s big story? There is!
Learn MoreRelentless
We are all sinners. Romans 3:23 says, "for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." The only perfect person that has lived a sinless life is Jesus (Romans 3:10). "The wages of sin is death.." (Romans 6:23). However, we have hope.
Learn MoreMarriage
At The Fellowship Church, we cherish God's design for marriage, believing it to be a sacred covenant worth investing in deeply. That's why we offer opportunities like our Marriage Retreat, Marriage Conference, and Weekend Intensive, designed to strengthen and enrich marriages.
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Together, we are walking through a simple yet powerful model of prayer— P.R.A.Y.: Praise, Repent, Ask, Yield. Starting small can lead to a deeper connection with God. Let’s prepare for Easter by making prayer our FIRST response, our FIRST priority, and our FIRST step in growing our faith.
Learn MoreWorship Music
In Psalm 100 we are called to "worship the Lord with gladness." Worship through music has power and theological depths. We worship God because of His transcendence, uniqueness, and holiness. and because He is worthy to be worshiped. Worship extends beyond Sunday mornings. Enjoy the various worship songs created by our very own Fellowship Collective, and from various worship leaders.
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