Worship Music


God is Creator and He is worthy of our worship!

In Psalm 100 we are called to "worship the Lord with gladness." Worship through music has power and theological depths. We worship God because of His transcendence, uniqueness, and holiness and because He is worthy to be worshiped. Worship extends beyond Sunday mornings. Enjoy the various worship songs created by our very own Fellowship Collective, and from various worship leaders.

Only Jesus

Only Jesus

There is no one like Jesus. He is the God-man, He is the Son of God, He is the Incarnate Word, He is the Ancient of Days, He is the Father’s Beloved, He is the Great I AM, He is One Who was and is and is to come, He is the Worthy Lamb who takes away the sins of the world, He is the Way to the Father, He is the Truth, He is the Resurrection and the Life…He is everything. Our Hope and our Anchor behind the veil. The very Doorway to knowing the heart of the Father.

As the Fellowship Collective, we pray that our new EP, “Only Jesus”, would heighten your awareness of His Presence in your life, remind you of what Jesus did for you at Calvary, and move your heart to worship the very One Who for the joy of knowing you, endured the cross and it’s shame (See Hebrews 12:2).

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"I Believe It" Single

"I Believe It" Single

The new song from The Fellowship Collective, "I Believe It," is a modern-day creed that works to establish affirmation in statements that we consider foundations of our faith. This song creates an opportunity, as a congregation, to declare the individual's belief about what the Bible declares as truth and to worship God with those same declarations. The bridge portion says, "He lived without sin, God among men. There at the cross He broke the curse and on the third day walked out of the grave. Christ is alive and reigns on high." After each statement, we, as believers, get to state with conviction, "I Believe It."

Why is it important to worship by singing or confessing belief and Scripture verbally? The Bible places a very strong emphasis on verbal confession. Romans 10:9 doesn't just command us to believe in our hearts, but also to confess with our mouths to be saved. We pray that this song strengthens your faith and gives you opportunity to publicly declare those things that we consider foundational at The Fellowship Church.

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"Relentless Love" Single

"Relentless Love" Single

God's love and pursuit of a redeemed relationship with us through Christ never ends, never fades, never weakens. This song tells the story of His pursuit of us and strengthens The Fellowship's Relentless Initiative campaign which endeavors to share the Gospel 300,000 times this year. Relentless Love is built on Scripture and two passages specifically: Romans 5:8 and 2 Corinthians 5:17.

Romans 5:8 “but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” 2 Corinthians 5:17 “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.”

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"I Call On Your Name" Single

"I Call On Your Name" Single

“I Call On Your Name” was inspired by Psalm 116. The psalm, much like the song, reminds us that God is not far off, but near. When we call, He answers. The song is a confession that our strength is found in no one other than Jesus and that will carry us through all seasons of life. This is a reminder that He has been and always will be good, faithful, merciful and present.

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"All Praise to Jesus" Single

"All Praise to Jesus" Single

The Fellowship Collective's debut single, "All Praise To Jesus," is inspired by the Romans Road. It's a song that is rooted in the confession of Jesus' lordship and worthiness. Our church has embarked on a goal to relentlessly deliver the good news of Jesus over a million times. Scripture tells us that if you believe in your heart and confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, then you are saved. This song was created to echo that confession.

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