Baby Dedications are a celebration at The Fellowship!
We wish to extend our congratulations to you on the birth of your new baby. As your church family, we share in your joy on this happy occasion. Baby Dedication at The Fellowship Church is an opportunity for us to partner with you as you dedicate the raising of your child in the ways of the Lord. We look forward to walking through the dedication process with you.

A Celebration
It is a wonderful blessing when a new child enters a family. At The Fellowship, we think that there is no greater moment than when parents want to express their full appreciation to God through Baby Dedications. Baby Dedication is simply a celebration of your commitment to raise your child in the ways of the Lord. It's also a time where you, as parents, commit to live in Biblical community with others who will help encourage you and hold you accountable.

Family Celebration
At the Family Celebrations, we talk about reasons why dedication is so important to a family, as well as our church. We will also share ways to raise your child in a Christ-centered community, as a baby and beyond. We want to inspire you to invest in the things that will matter the most to your child’s future and help you get off to a great start as you parent your new baby.
We will hold the Family Celebration the Saturday prior to Baby Dedication Sunday. This is a wonderful time to celebrate with close family and friends, as well as a time to connect in community with other families at The Fellowship. Please make plans to attend the class prior to dedicating your child.
Sign UpFrequently Asked Questions
Baby Dedications take place during a Sunday service. We offer it three times a year. Click here to view the next available date.
You can email our KiDS Ministry at
We do not offer baby baptism at The Fellowship Church. Baptism is intended for those who have professed faith in Jesus Christ and give testimony to their faith. Baptism points to our spiritual death, burial and resurrection in Jesus Christ. Matthew 28:18-20; Acts 2:38; Romans 6:1-11
Baptism is an outward profession of inward faith. It does not save us, but is an act of obedience in following Jesus as Lord and Savior.
We look forward to the day when your child is able to profess a saving faith in Jesus on their own. Baby Dedications is our partnership in parenting, not the salvation of your child.